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Est 918,000 Meters! Anton Group announced Fiber Optic Cable Tender



Est 918,000 Meters! Anton Group announced Fiber Optic Cable Tender


Antonoil has launched a public bidding process for a fiber optic cable tender project, which involves a total of nearly one million meters of various fiber optic cables.

I. Overview of the Bidding Project and Description of the Items for Bid

1. Project Name: Fiber Optic Cable Procurement

2. Items to Bid:

Lot 1: Armored Fiber Optic Cables

Lot 2: High-Temperature Fiber Optic Cables

Lot 3: Wire Fiber Optic Cables

Lot 4: Twisted Armored Fiber Optic Cables

Lot 5: Armored Heating Fiber Optic Cables

3. Specificaitons and Technical Requirements: Get more information after submitting an application to bid

4. Delivery Time: As required.

5. Delivery Place: Different designated locations within China.

6. Bid Closing Time: 9:30 Beijing time on June 11, 2024.

7. Bidding method: Bid documents are to be submitted in electronic format (electronically scanned documents with seals and WORD/EXCEL files);

II. Eligibility of Bidders

1. Basic Eligibility Conditions for Bidders

(1) The bidder must have an independent legal person status, the right to independently sign contracts and the ability to perform contract obligations, and their business scope should meet the requirements of this project, with general taxpayer status;

(2) The registered capital of the bidder shall not be less than RMB 10 million (inclusive). If the bidder’s registered capital is in foreign currency, the calculation of the registered capital shall be based on the central parity rate of foreign exchange published by the People’s Bank of China on the bid opening day. If the business license does not reflect the registered capital, a capital contribution proof from the registration place of the company shall be provided;

(3) The bidder should have good banking credit and commercial reputation, with good operating performance and not being in a situation of being ordered to suspend operations, property being taken over, frozen, or bankrupt, and not having occurred any serious default in the past three years;

(4) Bidders whose legal representative is the same person as two or more legal persons shall not bid for the same project simultaneously; the parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and/or controlling companies shall not participate in the bidding simultaneously.

(5) Joint bidding are not accepted.

III. Access to Bid Document

1. Time to apply: From June 3 to June 10, 2024.

2. Bidders shall contact Contact Person below to apply for the tender documents.

IV. Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Phone: 18910809809 Mr.Yu Phone: 13910114415