acquisition and installation of computers network servers for the integrated management system of the National Hydrocarbons Corporation in Cameroon
NATIONAL HYDROCARBONS CORPORATIONP.O.Box:955Yaoundé,Cameroon - Tel:(+237) 222 201 910 - Fax:(+237) 222 209 869 -Website :www.snh.cm1.Subject of theTender of Cameroon hereby launches a National Open Invitation to Tender for the acquisition and
installation of computer network servers for
its integrated management system in Yaounde,
2.Number of lots
This Invitation to Tender comprises one (01) lot.
3.Conditions for participation
installation of computer servers.4.FundingHydrocarbons Corporation.5.Consultation and acquisition ofTender Fileoffice building inYaoundé.upon presentation of a payment receipt of a Crédit”(BICEC):Yaoundé-Central Branch,Douala-Bertoua.
6.Deadline for the acquisition of theTender File
on Friday 02th February 2024 at 3pm, local time.
7.Pre-bid meeting
it is carried out,the NHC shall organise a pre-have purchased the Tender File on Tuesday 06th Head Office inYaoundé.costs are to be borne by them.
Participation in the pre-bid meeting is compulsory.
8.Submission of bids
Open National Invitation toTender No.002/AONO/SNH/CIPM/2023 of 11/01/2024 for the acquisition and installation of
computers network servers for the integrated management system of the National Hydrocarbons Corporation in Cameroon
of the National Hydrocarbons Corporation:
Open National Invitation toTender No.002/AONO/
SNH/CIPM/2023 of 11/01/2024 for the acquisition
and installation of computer network servers for
the integrated management system of the National
Hydrocarbons Corporation in Cameroon”
‘‘To be opened only during the opening session”– Confidential –
9.Bid bond
in charge of Finance to issue bid bonds within the framework of public contracts.The services under this Invitation to Tender will The validity period of the bid bond is one hundred be funded by the 2023 Budget of the National and twenty (120) days with effect from the deadline for the submission of bids.
10.Admissibility of bids
The Tender File (TF) may be consulted and Under penalty of being rejected,the required obtained during working hours,upon publication administrative documents must be submitted in of this Invitation to Tender,at the Secretariat of the originals and copies certified as true by the issuing Public Contracts Unit of SNH,located at its head services or competent administrative authorities.The TF can be obtained from the said secretariat They must be dated less than three (3) months before the deadline for the submission of bids.non-refundable sum of two hundred thousand Any bid not compliant with the requirements of this
(200 000) CFA Francs into account N°335 988 of Invitation to Tender and the Tender File shall be
the“Compte Spécial CAS ARMP”, opened at one declared inadmissible,notably the absence of a bid
ofthefollowingtwelve(12)branchesofthe“Banque bond or failure to comply with model documents of
Internationale du Cameroun pour l’Epargne et le the Tender File.
Bonanjo,Buea,Ebolowa,Dschang,Ngaoundéré,11.Opening of bidsMaroua,Limbe,Bafoussam,Bamenda,Garoua and The bids shall be opened in one phase.The opening of administrative,technical and financial offers will take place on Tuesday 27th ThedeadlinefortheacquisitionoftheTenderFileis February 2024 at 03:00 pm local time,Internal Tenders Board of SNH.In order to ensure that bidders understand all the are represented may attend the opening meeting and a site visit with companies that will only be allowed to a maximum of two (02) representatives per company.February 2024 at 10 a.m., local time, at SNH 12.Duration of executionto participate in these activities,and the related (04) months.12.Evaluation of bids*Elimination criteriaa.False declaration,substitution or falsification,Each bid,drafted in French or English,in seven incomplete administrative file,technical or
(7) copies including one (1) original and six (6) financial bid,or non-compliance,including that of
a sealed envelope to the Secretariat of the Public the documents;Contracts Unit of SNH,P.O.Box 955 Yaoundé,Tel.:b.No time limit for the performance of services or
(237) 222 20 98 64,Fax (237) 2 22 20 98 69,latest time limit longer than the maximum prescribed
onTuesday 27th February 2024 at 02:00 pm, local time limit;
time.The bids submitted against receipt,must be c.Services proposed by the Bidder not compliant The National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) la“bTeoltlheedaatstefnotliloonwosf: the Executive General Manager wd.itHhatveechanticleaalsstpetwcoific(0a2ti)onosr;more contracts being executed at SNH.In the case of a group,presence
in the group of a Member that has two (02) or more
contracts in progress at SNH;
e.Technical note less than 80/100;
f.Absence of evidence of having already executed
at least one (01) contract pertaining to the
installation of computer servers,within the last five
(05) years;and
Under penalty of rejection of the bid,each bidder In the case of a Group,absence of evidence for one Participation in this Invitation to Tender is open must include in the administrative documents a bid of the Members of the Group,of having already to companies or groups of companies governed bond of four million six hundred thousand CFA executed at least one (01) contract pertaining to the by Cameroon law,specialised in supply and Francs(4600000XAF),issuedbyafirstclassbank installation of computer servers,within the last five or financial institution accredited by the Ministry (05) years.* Essential criteria for evaluating technical offers No.Essential criteriaScore1Presentation of the offer5 points2Understanding of the context and
the objectives of the project
5 points3Methodology proposed by the
bidder for the provision of the
5 points4Experience of the bidder in the
execution of contracts pertaining
to the installation of computer
servers,within the last five (05)
50 points5Experience of the project team
proposed by the bidder,pertai-
ning to the installation of com-
puter servers,within the last five
(05) years
Technical score (Ts)100 by the 13.Award of the ContractThe contract under this Invitation to Tender Onlybiddersortheirdulyappointedrepresentatives shall be awarded to the bidder with the “lowest with perfect knowledge of the bid for which they bid”that satisfy the technical and administrative requirements.aspects of the project and the context in which Access to SNH for the bids opening session 14.Validity period of bidsBidders shall remain bound by their bids for a
period of ninety (90) days,with effect from the
deadline for the submission of bids.
The maximum duration set by SNH for the provision 15.Additional informationCompanies that have purchased the TF are invited of services under this invitation to tender is four Additional information can be obtained during working hours at the Contracts unit of SNH at the
following address: P.O.Box 955Yaoundé,Tel.:(237)
222 209 864,Fax (237) 222 209 869,email address:
duplicates labelled as such,must be submitted in the members of the Group,if applicable,of one of Signed Adolphe MOUDIKIExecutive General Manager