Online Service
Procurement of BHP Wireline Unit Complete with Accessories at PT Pertamina EP Field Jambi





PT Pertamina EP invites interested companies to follow the Prequalification process as follows:


Executor : SCM Procurement Zone 1

Address : Jl. Mayor Broery Mansyur, Kel. Kenali Asam Atas, Kec. Kota Baru Jambi Province

Prequalification Title: Procurement of BHP Wireline Unit Complete with Accessories at PT Pertamina EP Field Jambi

Summary of Scope of Work or specifications of goods: Procurement of BHP Wireline Unit Complete with Accessories at PT Pertamina EP Field Jambi

Item Category : Non-APDN Goods

Participant Domicile : Local Province (Jambi Province)


1. Certificate of Administrative Document Replacement (SPDA) from the Centralized Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) system that is still valid and in accordance with:

Business Group : Medium Enterprise/Manufacturer/Agent

Commodity Type: Goods

Business Field : Non-APDN Goods

Business Subfields:

1. Large trade of machinery, equipment and other supplies

2. Large trade in land transportation equipment (not cars, motorcycles, and the like), spare parts and equipment

Minimum TKDN Limit: 0.00% (Zero percent)

2. Company Status :

1. State-Owned Domestic Companies

2. Non-BUMN Domestic Companies

3. National Company


1. Date of Registration and Collection of Prequalification Documents: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to Friday, December 1, 2023

2. Date of Entry of Prequalification Document Requirements: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to Friday, December 1, 2023

3. Time : No later than 23.59 WIB (December 1, 2023)

4. Place : e-Bidding submission of Prequalification Document Requirements uploaded (uploaded) via Pertamina File Transfer web


1. Pengumuman ini mengacu kepada Pedoman Tata Kerja SKK Migas Nomor: PTK-007/SKKIA0000/ 2023/S9 (Revisi 05) tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Tender Nomor : EDR-0143/SKKIH0000/2023/S0.

2. Tender ini dilaksanakan secara e-Bidding (korespondensi, meeting dan serah terima dokumen dilakukan secara online/ elektronik).

3. Link upload Dokumen Prakualifikasi akan diinformasikan setelah peserta mengisi form pendaftaran prakualifikasi melalui link sebagai berikut :       

4. Ketentuan terkait Dokumen Persyaratan Prakualifikasi :

• Dokumen Prakualifikasi disusun rapi dan jelas.

• Prequalification Requirements document in the form of a PDF file that has been compiled into ZIP/RAR format.

• Documents are named according to the prequalification number and Company name (Example: SHUG-XXXX-A07_PT HOPEFULLY SUSTENANCE)

• The upload process is carried out 1x (One time) on the filetransfer link provided.

• Prospective participants are required to provide a notification that they have successfully uploaded documents to & email addresses accompanied by screenshot proof of the document upload process &; contact person's statement letter with the format contained in the prequalification document.

5. Problems in the registration process and uploading documents are informed to the email address &;

6. Every email correspondence must include a prequalification number in the email subject.

7. Registration and/or entry of prequalification required documents outside the time and place specified above is not acceptable.

8. Only Prospective Bidders who have passed the Prequalification will be invited to participate in the next Tender process.


Tender Committee,