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Provision of Well Testing Service Tender Type: Public Tender Through Technical Qualification



Public Tender Announcement for Tender No: 028-SC-22-EBS
Provision of Well Testing Service
Tender Type: Public Tender Through Technical Qualification
Tender by: EBS Petroleum Company Limited, a company legally incorporated and validly existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its headquarters in Hong Kong and the branch office registered in EBS Company Camp, Nahrawan, Baghdad, Iraq, as the Operator of East Baghdad Oil Field Southern Part.
Tender Title: Provision of Well Testing Service
Tender No.: 028-SC-22-EBS
Tender Information:
EBS Petroleum Company Limited would like to announce the tender above named for the First time. All the specialist companies who have the ability and experience can participate in this tender, to contact EBS Petroleum Company Limited.\ C&P Dept, starting from this announcement date to get the tender documents by paying the tender fee (100$) after procedures mentioned below.
Part One: Scope of work
EBS Petroleum Company Limited is to seek ONE contractor who have enough experience and ability to Provide Provision of Well Testing Service. Contractors shall perform study and design the implementation plan for the proposal include but not limited as followed:
3-Equipment Moving Rate
4-Well flow out and flow back service
5-DAS service
6-Storage Tank service
7-Flow Head
8-Heat Exchanger system service
9-DST tools with downhole valve
10-Two Electronic MRO Gauge
11-Packer service
Contractor which can conduct competitive services for well testing with a competitive price for two firm years, such as to giving Oil/Gas/Water production rate measurement or injection capacity evaluation and delivering real-time testing data, conducting well test operations such as Monitoring wellhead conditions, operating well test equipment, taking pressures, temperatures, flow rate, densities, BSW and other associated measurements, including surface liquid and gas sampling, downhole liquid (PVT) and transfer to PVT cylinder, and sample analysis, provide laboratory surveys for determination of the content of surface Gas/Oil/Water, and deliver high quality raw data for geology and reservoir study. The works included as followed:
The detailed information should strictly comply with the detail scope of work in ITB document.
Part Two: Procedure for purchasing the ITB:
1. Any bidder who is willing to participate in this project and purchase ITB documents, firstly please email to Mr. Pan Youjun and submit the following documents one day in advance:
A: Authorization letter and ID of the person who will buy the ITB, issued and stamped by the related company.
B: Valid Copy of Company Registration Documents.
C: Information for S2 Camp entry pass (form could be obtained from the above email address).
Note:Any Bidder, its parent company, or its affiliates shall be refused to participate in this tender on any of the following conditions:1- Who is on the blacklist of any competent authorities under applicable laws; or 2- Who has unsettled disputes with Company or its affiliates at Company's sole discretion, whether it is litigation or non-litigation.
Submit USD 100.00 to purchase ITB documents at Nahrawan S2 Camp, one person can only represent one company
People who directly come to purchase ITB without the above application procedure would not be accepted.
Part Three:
1. All bidders should submit their technical proposal, commercial proposal and bid bond which sealed separately before the tender submission deadline 16:00 PM, 18th September 2022 based on the ITB documents.
2. The bidders shall submit the Proposals in the English language to EBS Petroleum Company Limited, Nahrawan S2 Camp before the deadline mentioned above.
Bidders Proposals shall consist of:
A. Technical proposal (one original and one copy, with one USB flash for the technical offer that can be read and compiled).
B. Commercial proposal (one original and one copy, with one USB flash for the commercial offer that can be read and compiled).
C. Bid Bond value should be 50,000.00 USD and valid for 120 days.
3. The above required documents should be put in THREE different stamped and sealed envelopes and shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the ITB documents and the tender name, tender number and bidder’s address and contact information should be clearly mentioned on the envelope.
4. In the event of any necessary enquiry or clarification regarding the technical details of the project, please inform the C&P Dept. 3 days before the bid submission deadline, for the purpose of swift answering before the bidding date.
Contact Person: Mr. Pan Youjun & .
5. The winner companies of the tender should pay the announcement fee.
You also can browse website for the same information of this tender announcement above.

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