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Waha Oil Company ... PREQUALIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT for the tender “ Leasing of 17 - 19 Passenger Aircraft for WOC`s Domestic Flights”



Waha Oil Company ... PREQUALIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT for the tender “ Leasing of 17 - 19 Passenger Aircraft for WOC`s Domestic Flights”

Waha Oil Company announces an open invitation to conduct a pre-qualification of specialized companies licensed to carry out air transport activity for passengers and their luggage inside Libya.



Companies who successfully pass the pre-qualification stage are given the opportunity to participate in the bidding process of the subject tender by submitting their competitive offer.


Therefore, we invite local companies specialized in this field that have the expertise, competence, financial and human resources necessary to provide these services who is holding a valid in-Libya air transported permit approved by The Civil Aviation Authority and wish to apply for the purpose of pre-qualification for this service, to fill out the attached questionnaire or come in person to receive a copy of the questionnaire from the company’s headquarters (listed below, and submit it with the required documents in an integrated file.


Scope of Service (in short):


The Successful bidder shall provide WOC with an aircraft (with a crew) of 17-19 passengers capacity, age less than 25 years to provide air transport services to  Waha Oil Company`s employees  between the fields and Es-Sider Terminal and cities inside Libya, provided that the aircraft to be used meets the technical conditions and specifications for aviation according to certificates of validity issued by the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority or approved by it if Libya was not the country of registration of the aircraft (please attach copies of the technical and legal documents related to the mentioned aircraft)  taking into account the following :




Type of Lease:  Full Wet Lease.

Aircraft use: Passenger and / or Cargo, For full time.  

Region Aircraft Used in:   State Of Libya.

Engine: Turbo Prop.

Air-worthy as per Libyan Air law

Air and ground crewed fully equipped.

Maint. and/or Operations are NOT WOC`s responsibility.

Must NOT have been involved in any kind of accidents

Aircraft Documentations (Copies)


Type of Aircraft.

Certificates Of Registration, Airworthiness, Maintenance

Brief Aircraft History & Total Of Flight Hours

Insurance Documentations (Aircraft , Passengers , Crew , Luggage , and Third Party)

Latest Tech. Logs Sheets

Licenses of ( Pilot's , Co-Pilot's & Cabin Attendant's)

Air Operation License & Practice Profession License

Certificate of the date of manufacture the aircraft



The leaser's obligation includes providing an integrated cabin crew with valid licenses (for the duration of the contract) recognized / approved by the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority (please attach copies of the certificates and licenses of the entire cabin crew).



Based on verbal instructions from Waha Oil Company`s authorized personnel in this regard (i.e. Manager of Transportation and Services Department and/or Oil-Field OR Terminal Managers) in accordance to the requirements, conditions and variables of work at the oil sites, the aircraft and its crew are to be ready around the clock to take off for flights for the purpose of transporting passengers and/or materials and equipment between the company's Oil-Fields, Terminal and cities in Libya (about 70 flying hours per month).


Whenever the interest of work or need requires, the authorized persons of the Waha Oil Company (mentioned above) request the leaser to carry out additional regular trips or of coinciding/emergency nature (for example, but not limited to transporting injured personnel, searching for missing persons, checking from the air “ low altitude flight” for any leak/damage on main Oil/Gas pipelines...etc) such trips are to be indebted by the leaser. The net flying hours of additional /coincidental flights during the month is to be calculated after exceeding the first seventy hours, and their cost is invoiced using the value of the flight hour in such cases.



The aircraft is to be stationed (24/7) in one of the WOC’s Oil-Fields or Terminal to carry out the tasks subject of the agreement, and the conduct of flights is coordinated in the manner mentioned above, provided that Friday (or an alternative to it by agreement of the parties) is allocated for the purpose of performing maintenance on the field/port/city.



The leaser is obligated to provide and equip an aircraft with a full crew, compliant to the specifications and conditions stipulated in this ITB, at its location of stationing specified by the Waha Oil Company, and to be in a state of full readiness 24/7 to make flights in accordance with the instructions of the authorized persons of the Waha Oil Company. In particular, he shall, at his own expense, provide a substitute (for the aircraft or its crew) to ensure the continuation of service without delay or interruption.




•             Written application expressing contractor’s interest to participate in the initial qualification for this tender shall be submitted attaching WOC’s announcement signed and stamped together with a statement declares your acceptance to all provisions of this announcement.


•             Fill out the attached questionnaire and submit it attaching with all the required documents, including:



-              Statute of the company.

-              Establishment Contract / Decision of the company.

-              Updated & valid abstract form Libyan Commercial Chamber.

-              Copy of valid Business License.

-              In-Libya air transport valid permit approved by the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority.

-              Previous work experience with information on number & list of such services executed inside and outside Libya, Supported by letters of recommendation signed by the legal representative of the entities that provided these services.


•             Report of Chartered Accountant on the financial status of the company for the last five years including finance statement, Balance Sheet for these years. Or for the number of years in service for companies that were established in less than five years


•             Certificate of Tax payment status addressed to Waha Oil Company for the purpose of pre-qualifications.











•             To provide a hard copy and electronic copy (PDF) of the required documents in separate files according to the specialization (legal, financial, technical, safety).



•             All documents received by WOC will be treated confidentially and shall be retained.


•             “Prequalification for Leasing an Aircraft for WOC`s Domestic Flights” title, name & signature of authorized person & contractor stamp are to be clearly shown on all documents issued by the company wishing to participate in this prequalification.



•             All documents are to be submitted to the office of Secretary, Tenders Committee at WOC Main office, floor No. (32), Burj Abulayla Tower, Tripoli.



•             The deadline to submit your application is 12:00 NOON on 28            June 2023.



•             Due to the importance and urgency for the required works, WOC cannot accommodate any request for extending the deadline. Also it will not be possible to deal with any file that does not fulfill the conditions mentioned in this announcement.


•             Waha Oil Company reserves the right to verify / investigate the accuracy / Legitimacy of the information and documents received from the interested companies.


•             All interested companies are required to submit complete credentials as requested in this announcement including companies that have been previously prequalified by Waha Oil Company.


•             For any enquiry, please contact Secretary, Tenders Committee.


              Phone      00218 21 7266633

          Fax          00218 21 3608502
